school poems: success

Knowledge aquisition is why i enthusiastically believe i live.
Every time the teacher opens the mouth of wisedome i listen
If you want to disturb my Zest. I would reather you leave
As a guy grand final exams nears,hush i want to listen
And not just to listen but to unmistakably know and learn
Why do i say so? My jeopardizer.just to listen is not enough
But to listen and practice perfectly as it easy as what is to learn
I don't expect smooth menacing exams to prove to be tough
But why do i alwas find myself with mediocre queer peers
I have to break this fat of monotonous life of retrogression
I will vanquish bad company as a porcupine with quills pears
And with that,vamos to a vivid view of nose close progression
It is not too late to see the doors of success.
It is never ever too late to embrace success...👍👍👍 COMMENT AND SHERA
@@@ more about the poem E-mail me at.


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