
Showing posts from August 18, 2019

literature in English quote

Some people represent nothing but the clothes they wear

literature in English quote

How long does it take to forget someone? Well dear friends it depends on the memories they leave in your heart

literature in English quote

Heard are sweet but unheard are sweeter

literature in English quote

You are like a kingdom, if ruled by a weak King, it will be occupied and destroyed sooner or later, but if it is ruled by a strong king it will be safe for a long time.     More about us follow our Facebook page

literature in English quote

I'll break my umbrella and surrender to the wide and fly without wings to where no one reached before

literature in English quote

In the i realized that you where are the dream created by my imagination and stolen by reality

literature in English quotes

in the end i realized that feelings are like humans ,dear friends some of them are honesty others are liars