
Showing posts from September, 2019

English Quotes

Literature in English DON'T EVER try to compare your self to another person you can't compare moon and sun

English Quotes

be firm about your choices right now, don't go backwards to habitats and situation that weren't helping you evolve, you have to keep reminding your self why you even decided to move forward, stay positive about what's to come by being consistent about your changes now

English Quotes

be firm about your choices right now, don't go backwards to habitats and situation that weren't helping you evolve, you have to keep reminding your self why you even decided to move forward, stay positive about what's to come by being consistent about your changes now

English Quotes

Honor a friendship that allows you pic up where you last you last left off, regardless of how long it's been since you connected ,the friendship that survives haituses, silences and space_____those are connection that never dies.

English Quotes

In life there is a role for everyone you meet Some will use you, Some will test you, Some will love you And some will teach you, but the one who are truly important are the one who bring best of you____